科研项目: (1) 第I副族化合物与卤化物的作用机制及其在晶体工程中的应用( ZR2016BL11山东省自然科学基金),2016.12-2018.11,主持 (2) 基于重点学科建设探索和构建物理化学专业研究生创新型人才培养新模式(SDYY16131山东省政府学位委员会、山东省教育厅),2016.12-2019.10,主持 代表性论文: (1) Complexes between hypohalous acids and phosphine derivatives.Hydrogen bond versus halogen bond versus pnicogen bond Spectrochimica Acta A132(2014): 271-277. 6T/6 (2)Interplay between Cation–πand Coinage-Metal–Oxygen Interactions: An Ab Initio Study and Cambridge Structural Database Survey ChemPhysChem 16(2015): 10084T/4 (3) The aerogen-πbonds involvingπsystems Chemical Physics Letters 651(2016): 50 2T/5 (4) Comparison of sigma-Hole and -Hole Tetrel Bonds Formed by Pyrazine and 1,4-Dicyanobenzene: The Interplay between Anion- and Tetrel Bonds ChemPhysChem 18(2017): 24422T/6 (5)Abnormal Tetrel Bonds between Formamidine and TH3F:Substituent Effectschemistryselect3(2018):2842-2849. 2T/4 授权发-明专利: (1) 获奖情况: (1)第I副族金属复合物的结构、性质及机制研究 山东省研究生优秀科技创新成果奖,二等奖,获奖人:高猛 本人为指导教师2016.11 |